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AI Coffee Break

"AI Coffee Break with Letitia" YouTube Channel

Lighthearted Bite-Sized Machine Learning Videos for Everyone!

Follow along as the charming Ms. Coffee Bean, with the help of Letitia Parcalabescu explains AI concepts and news. This channel contains mostly videos about the latest advances in Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision or both combined!



Easy, fast, interactive 3D plots for data exploration and presentation.

babyplots is an easy to use plotting library, to create interactive 3-dimensional visualizations. It is available as a javascript/typescript library, an R package, a Python package, an interactive node-based creator and as an add-in for Microsoft PowerPoint.


Kaessmann Lab Website

Contract work: Design and Implementation of the new homepage of the Kaessmann Lab at Heidelberg University. Features a fully custom responsive design (HTML5/CSS/JavaScript), dynamic members, gallery and publications system and embedded interactive apps (Flask/SQLite).


Heidelberg NLP Group Website

Contract work: Implementation of the new homepage of the Heidelberg Natural Language Processing Group at Heidelberg University. Features a fully custom responsive design (HTML5/CSS/JavaScript), dynamic news, blog and publications system and a searchable archive (Flask/SQLite).

Who we are

Letitia Parcalabescu

Letiția Pârcălăbescu


PhD candidate in Computational Linguistics on the topic of Vision and Language integration. Working at the interdisciplinary borders of Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision in Multimodal Machine Learning.

Physicist and Computer Scientist by education.

Nils Trost

Nils Trost


Bioinformatics PhD candidate in the Kaessmann group at the ZMBH in Heidelberg working on single cell sequencing data, exploring evolution and development.

Trained molecular biologist with a passion for software and web development.


You want to work with us? Great! Here's how you can reach out to us:

Email: info@explanationmark.de